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FIAT/IFTA-IASA Conference 2020

We're excited to announce that  we'll be presenting in this year's special joint conference of FIAT/IFTA-IASA. ReTV partners will introduce ReTV supported solutions, in a presentation titled The Topic Compass: Guiding Media Archives on their Voyage into Content Publication Online About the conference For the first time in more than 25 years the FIAT/IFTA Executive Council and the IASA Board have decided to join forces and organize a joint conference with an integrated programme. The 51st IASA Conference will also be the 44th Conference of the Fédération Internationale des Archives de Télévision / The International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA). Learn more about the conference here


The Annual ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR) offers a great opportunity for exchanging leading-edge multimedia retrieval ideas among researchers, practitioners and other potential users of multimedia retrieval systems. This year, ReTV partners' CERTH will present a poster titled "Attention Mechanisms, Signal Encodings and Fusion Strategies for Improved Ad-hoc Video Search with Dual Encoding Networks". Find the programme here More information on the event here 

EUscreen Network Meeting 2020

We're excited to inform that ReTV will be part of this year's EUscreen Network Meeting. Lyndon Nixon will make a brief presentation on ReTV solutions. The event is free and open for everyone to join. Find more information here

QURATOR 2021 – Conference on Digital Curation Technologies

We're excited to announce that ReTV will participate in the next QURATOR 2021 Conference, set to take place online on the 10-11 of February 2021. About the event As digital communication is becoming more and more important, organisations struggle to manage content, data and knowledge. Content is often stored in several different systems making it difficult to find the relevant information quickly. Meta data of digital assets lack the quality necessary for editorial use. A growing amount of unstructured data is lost for knowledge management preventing organisations from gaining insights into their business processes and supply chains. The solution? Curation Technologies. At the conference, which will be purely virtual,  fields of application for various industries and areas such as media, cultural heritage, healthcare, logistics, energy and industry will be presented. Find out more information about the conference here.

ReTV Webinar: How can AI aid post-pandemic television?

ReTV is hosting a webinar to provide an outlook for automated content publishing for broadcasters and media organisations as well as to encourage discussion on future development areas in the digital media landscape. The event will also serve as an opportunity to present the final results and findings of the project. Program and registration available in the website >