Joint Technical Symposium 2019: Preserve the Legacy. Celebrate the Future
The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision Media Parkboulevard 1,, HilversumThe ReTV partners have been accepted to the programme of the Joint Technical Symposium. The project coordinator Lyndon Nyxon (MOD) will present the paper "ReTV: bringing broadcaster archives to the 21st-century audiences: How ReTV solutions can optimise audiovisual content for online publication and maximise user engagement". About the Event The Joint Technical Symposium (JTS) is an international scientific and technical event dealing with matters of particular importance to audiovisual archives and archivists. Organized every few years since 1983 by the member organizations now forming the Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archiving Associations (CCAAA), it provides an opportunity for audiovisual archiving experts from different backgrounds to come together, share new and upcoming technical advances in our field, and take positions that go beyond the boundaries of specific formats or domains. It is an occasion to inform each other about what’s going on in our field and seek cross-fertilization. At a time when the digital world is converging, it is an opportunity to discuss technical issues and agree on how technologies best position us for the future of our field. To see the full programme of the conference, visit the JTS website.