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ReTV Kickoff meeting

VU Amsterdam De Boelelaan 1109, Amsterdam, Netherlands

The ReTV project hosted its first meeting in January 2018, where all partners attended for the first time to kick off the work of this 3 year project. Read more about this event here.


Bloomberg 731 LEXINGTON AVENUE, NEW YORK, United States

During the NYC Media Lab’s Machines + Media conference 2018, Lora Aroyo presents Tagasauris, one of the potential stakeholders/advisors for the ReTV project.

GEN Summit 2018

Pátio da Galé, Lisbon Praça do Comércio, Lisbon, Portugal

Arno Scharl from webLyzard technology presents results of EU-funded media and digital content projects (ReTV, PhemeEU, InVid) during the session 'News Literacy 2020: How to understand and combat misinformation' at the GEN Summit in Lisbon on 31st May 2018. You can find his presentation here:            


Beeld en Geluid

The ReTV project is presented during the Cross Media Cafe - Linear Meets Digital on the 19th of June at the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision by Lyndon Nixon from MODUL Technology (project partner). You can register for the event for free here:      

HCOMP2018 Conference

Zurich Rämistrasse 71, Zurich, Switzerland

The ReTV project is presented by Professor Lora Aroyo (VU, Amsterdam) at the HCOMP2018 Conference taking place in Zurich on 5th July 2018. The conference hosts its first Research Project Networking Workshop bringing together participants from the worldwide HCOMP community. It provides participants with a unique opportunity to: Get a compact overview of the broad research landscape in human computation through the lense of academic and industry projects. The session will include short presentations of the vision and goals, and of the resources produced in these projects (datasets, methods, software), which is available to the HCOMP community. Meet the project teams in an informal and inspiring setting to learn about their work, network and discuss future collaborations, joint events, and funding opportunities worldwide. Establish links between relevant projects worldwide to explore synergies and identify areas for knowledge sharing, data and technology transfer and other collaboration opportunities across different countries. Understand the funding environment, both nationally and internationally, exchange experiences and discuss future joint bids across different countries. Read more about the workshop and the participating projects and institutions here.