ReTV brings together computer scientists, broadcasters, interactive TV companies, audio-visual archives from across Europe for innovation in digital media. webLyzard and Genistat design, implement and exploit the ReTV software and services. MODUL Technology (MT) and the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) provide functional components and know-how for their integration. Use case partners include Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (RBB), a public European broadcaster with a significant audience, and the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (NISV), a comprehensive audiovisual digital archive.

Modul Technology GmbH (AT) – Co-ordinator
MODUL University Vienna is funded by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and its goal is to educate the next generation of business leaders in the domains of new media, tourism, governance, sustainability and international management. The Technology GmbH enables both university faculty (as technology experts) and hired researchers/developers to work on near-to-market R&D with a close collaboration with the University itself (including sharing of MODUL University IP) and support of existing and future University spin-offs (by agreements to license IP with commercialization potential to for-profit companies). Technology experts will contribute via the company from the Department of New Media Technology, which conducts cross-disciplinary research on knowledge acquisition, semantic Web annotation, human-computer interaction, data analytics, natural language processing and multimedia description and linking.
Sound & Vision (NL)
The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (NISV) is an advanced and trendsetting audiovisual archive that has successfully made its way into the digital realm. It maintains and provides access over one million hours of television, radio, music and film and web video, which makes Sound and Vision one of the largest audiovisual archives in Europe. Today, it offers its (born)digital holdings to a variety of end-users, including journalists, students, researchers, heritage organisations and the general public. The museum operates a state of the art museum, attracting 250k visitors per annum. An extensive programme has been launched in 2017 to completely change the permanent exhibition space. The opening of the new permanent exhibition is planned for 2020. To support media scholars in their research, Sound and Vision and partners in the Exact and Humanities and Social Sciences domains developed a research environment, allowing various distributed collections to be explored and analysed.
Information Technologies Institute – CERTH (GR)
CERTH, founded in 2000, is the only research centre in Northern Greece and one of the largest in the country. CERTH has important scientific and technological achievements in many areas including: Information & Communication, Energy, Environment, Industry, Mechatronics, Transportation & Sustainable Mobility, Health, Agro-biotechnology, Smart farming, Safety & Security, as well as several cross-disciplinary scientific areas. Today CERTH includes the following five institutes with indicated major fields of research: (a) Chemical Process & Energy Resources Institute (CPERI), (b) Information Technologies Institute (ITI), (c) Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT), (d) Institute of Applied Biosciences (INAB), (e) Institute for Research and Technology Thessaly (IRETETH). The CERTH’s institute participating in this project is the Information Technologies Institute (ITI).
webLyzard Technology GmbH (AT)
webLyzard technology gmbh is an Austria technology SME founded in 2008 that pursues research and development in Web intelligence and online media monitoring, drawing upon the extensive expertise in the fields of Web intelligence, online media analytics, Web mining, the Geospatial Web, visual analytics, human-computer interaction, knowledge co-creation and new forms of communication and collaboration. Current clients of webLyzard include the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the U.S. Department of Commerce (NOAA Climate Program Office), Hutchison 3G Austria, dm drogerie market, and the Austrian Federal Chamber of Commerce. Close ties also exist to important players in the media industry, for example swissinfo (SWI) and the Austria Press Agency (APA), with whom WLT collaborates in the FP7 Project PHEME and H2020 Innovation Action InVID, respectively.
Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (DE)
RBB is the public broadcaster for the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg. It produces and broadcasts one television channel and six radio stations in addition to providing a range of interactive multimedia services including websites, mobile, teletext and HbbTV-based connected TV services. As part of the ARD (Association of Public Service Broadcasting Corporations in Germany), it contributes to several nationwide TV and radio channels and multimedia services. From its broadcast centres in Berlin and the media city Potsdam- Babelsberg, plus various regional studios and offices RBB provides services for almost 6 million inhabitants in a transmission area of 30,000 km2. RBB employs about 1,900 staff and a large pool of freelancers.
Genistat (CH)
Genistat develops models to predict the usage pattern of Internet TV viewers, applying big data methods to analyze in-house, client-owned and external data stores with a focus on media data. Born out of the desire to commercialise the results from the VistaTV project, Genistat’s work in the media industry is relevant to TV stations, television rating firms, TV platform operators, content producers and buyers, and advertising firms. First products address audience flow and cable business intelligence – e.g., allowing TV program planners to choose, combine and visualise audience flows of multiple programs to gain insight into how viewers move between shows.